Standards for MS

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Alignment to Standards for MS

1 1)3.e. basic needs of plants and animals and recognize that plants and animals both need to take in water, animals need food, and plants need light.
1 1)3.f. Identify and label the parts of a plant.
2 2)3.a. Describe and categorize the characteristics of plant parts (leaves, stems, roots, and flowers)
2 2)4.a. Categorize different types of Earth materials, (e.g., rocks, minerals, soils,
3 3)3.a. diverse life forms (including vertebrates and invertebrates) that live in different environments (e.g., deserts, tundras, forests, grasslands, taigas, wetlands) and the structures that serve different functions in their survival (e.g.
3 3)3.c. relationships between the basic needs of different organisms and discern how adaptations enable an organism to survive in a particular environment.
3 3)3.e. Recall that organisms can survive only when in environments (deserts, tundras, forests, grasslands, taigas, wetlands) in which their needs are met and interpret the interdependency of plants and animals within a food chain, including producer, consumer, d
4 4)3.c. Compare characteristics of organisms, including growth and development, reproduction, acquisition and use of energy, and response to the environment.
4 4)3.d. parts of plants as they relate to sexual reproduction and explain the effects of various actions on the pollination process (e.g., wind, water, insects, adaptations of flowering plants, negative impacts of pesticides).
5 5)4.a.1 Categorize Earthês materials: Rocks, minerals, soils, water, and atmospheric gases
K K)4.b. Identify and describe properties of Earth materials (soil, rocks, water, and air).

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