Standards for AK

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Alignment to Standards for AK

2 MEA-1. measuring to the nearest inch or foot (M2.1.3)
2 MEA-5. selecting and using appropriate tools of measurement (M2.1.3)
3 MEA-6 ability to use measurement techniques using pictorial representations [or manipulatives L] in real-world contexts by measuring length to the nearest half-inch (M2.1.3)
3 MEA-8 ability to use measurement techniques using pictorial representations by determining elapsed time using a calendar (M2.2.5)
3 SC1.2 describing how some traits (e.g., claws, teeth, camouflage) of living organisms have help
3 SC2 structure, function, behavior, development, life cycles, and diversity of living organisms.
3 SC3.2 all organisms are linked to each other and their physical environments: a simple food chain of familiar plants and animals (L)
4 MEA-2 understanding of measurable attributes by estimating temperature (degree Celsius or Fahrenheit) or weight (pounds or kilograms) to the nearest unit (L) (M2.2.1)
4 SC2 understanding of the structure, function, behavior, development, life cycles, and diversity of living organisms.
4 SC2.2 an understanding of the structure, function, behavior, development, life cycles, and diversity of living organismscharacteristics and requirements of living things
5 MEA-4 ability to use measurement techniques by measuring temperature or weight using appropriate tools (L) (M2.2.1 & M2.2.3)
5 MEA-8 ability to use measurement techniques by measuring length to the nearest 1?4 inch or centimeter (M2.2.1)
5 SC2 structure, function, behavior, development, life cycles, and diversity of living organisms.
K MEA-3. identifying instruments used to measure length, time, and temperature (M2.1.3)
K S&P-2. classify and organize data by collecting and recording data with support (M6.1.1)

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