Alignment to Standards for AK
Grade | Number | Standard |
2 | MEA-8. | ordering the months of the year (M2.1.1) |
3 | M10.1.1 | Apply mathematical skills and processes to literature. |
3 | SD3.1 | an understanding of cycles influenced by energy from the sun and by Earthês position and motion in our solar system by using recorded weather patterns (e.g., temperature, cloud cover, or precipitation) to make reasonable predictions (L) |
3 | SD4.2 | theories regarding the origin and evolution of the universe by recognizing that objects have properties, locations, and movements that can be observed and described |
4 | SD3.1 | Earthês position and motion in our solar system by recognizing changes to length of daylight over time and its relationship to seasons |
4 | SD4.2 | theories regarding the origin and evolution of the universe by recognizing that objects have properties, locations, and movements that can be observed and described* |
5 | SD3 | cyclical changes (seasons, tides) controlled by energy from the sun and by Earthês position and motion in our solar system. |
5 | SD3.1 | Earthês position and motion in our solar system by observing a model that shows how the regular and predictable motion of the Earth and moon determine the apparent shape (phases) of the m |
5 | SD4.1 | theories regarding the origin and evolution of the universe by distinguishing among stars, planets, moons, comets, and meteors (L) |