Standards for AK

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Alignment to Standards for AK

1 E&C-3. solves problems involving recalling addition and subtraction facts 0-10 (M3.1.2)
1 F&R-2. functions, patterns, or sequences by creating patterns involving number, shape, size, rhythm, or color (M4.1.1)
1 N-10. number theory by identifying fact families (M1.1.3)
1 N-6. mathematical operations by using objects, pictures, and problem situations to model addition and subtraction of whole numbers (M1.1.3)
1 N-7. identifying groups of objects as repeated addition or equal shares (M1.1.3)
2 E&C-4. solves problems involving recalling addition and subtraction facts to 20 (M3.1.2)
2 E&C-6. solves problems (including real-world situations) involving using repeated addition with objects to model multiplication (M3.1.4)
2 F&R-1. functions, patterns, or sequences by identifying and continuing patterns, including numbers (M4.1.1)
2 F&R-3. algebraic thinking by solving a problem with an unknown (e.g., 7 + ? = 10) (M4.1.4)
2 N-5. the processes of addition and subtraction of whole numbers and their relationships (M1.1.3)
2 N-8. number theory by modeling fact families (M1.1.3)
3 E&C-5 solves problems by using repeated addition to model multiplication with whole numbers with products to 25 (M3.1.4)
3 E&C-6 solves problems by using grouping or –sharing equally” to model division with whole numbers to 25 (M3.1.4)
3 F&R-4 algebraic thinking by using an open number sentence (addition or subtraction) to solve for an unknown represented by a box or circle (e.g., 5+? =16, ?_7=4, 5+2=? ) (M4.1.4)
3 M1.1.3 processes of addition and subtraction, describing the relationship between the operations.
3 M1.1.6 Identify, describe, and extend patterns inherent in the number system. Skip count by 2ês, 5ês, and 10ês. Add and subtract by 10. Identify even and odd numbers.
3 M10.1.1 Apply mathematical skills and processes to literature.
3 M3.1.4 Model multiplication as repeated addition and grouping objects; model division as –sharing equally” and grouping objects.
3 M4.1.4 Complete open space sentences with missing numbers; use appropriate vocabulary including greater than, less than, and equal to; and use the correct symbols.
3 N-8 number theory by modeling and explaining commutative property of addition (L) (M1.1.7)
3 N-9 number theory by identifying or using patterns in the number system (skip count by 2ês, 5ês, or 10ês; add or subtract by 10; even or odd numbers) (M1.1.6)
3 SC1.2 describing how some traits (e.g., claws, teeth, camouflage) of living organisms have help
3 SC2 structure, function, behavior, development, life cycles, and diversity of living organisms.
3 SC2.1 sorting animals and plants into groups based on appearance and behaviors
3 SC2.2 observing and comparing external features of plants and of animals that may help them grow, survive, and reproduce
3 SC3.1 an understanding that all organisms are linked to each other and their physical environments through the transfer and transformation of matter and energy by identifying and sorting examples of living and non-living things in the local environment (L)
4 F&R-4 algebraic thinking by using an open number sentence (addition, subtraction, or multiplication) to solve for an unknown represented by a box or circle (e.g., 9 «? = 36, ?« 8=56, 3 « 6= ?) (M4.2.5)
4 M1.2.3 Model and explain the processes of multiplication and division. Describe the relationships among the four basic operations.
4 M1.2.7 Demonstrate the commutative and identity properties of multiplication.
4 N-11 commutative property of multiplication (L) (M1.2.7)
4 N-6 multiplication (M1.2.3)
4 N-7 multiplication and addition (M1.2.3)
4 SC2 understanding of the structure, function, behavior, development, life cycles, and diversity of living organisms.
4 SC2.2 an understanding of the structure, function, behavior, development, life cycles, and diversity of living organismscharacteristics and requirements of living things
4 SC3.1 an understanding that all organisms are linked to each other and their physical environments through the transfer and transformation of matter and energy by identifying examples of living and non-living things and the relationship between them (e.g., livi
5 F&R-5 algebraic thinking by using an open number sentence (addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division) to solve for an unknown represented by a box or circle (e.g., 256 É? =8,?É8=56, 36É3=? ) (M4.2.5)
5 M1.2.3 Model and explain the processes of multiplication and division. Describe the relationships among the four basic operations.
5 M1.2.7 Demonstrate the commutative and identity properties of multiplication.
5 M4.2.1 Use patterns and their extensions to make predictions and solve problems; describe patterns found in the number system including those formed by multiples, factors, perfect squares, and power of 10.
5 M4.2.4 Use words, lists, and tables to represent and analyze patterns.
5 N-6 division and its relationship to subtraction or to multiplication (M1.2.3)
5 N-9 conceptual understanding of commutative or identity properties of addition or multiplication using models or explanations (M1.2.7)
5 SC2.1 an understanding of the structure, function, behavior, development, life cycles, and diversity of living organisms by identifying and sorting animals into groups using basic external and internal features
5 SC3 understanding that all organisms are linked to each other and their physical environments through the transfer and transformation of matter and energy. (food webs, habitats)
K E&C-1. comparing the number of objects in different sets using more, less, same
K E&C-3. solves problems involving adding and subtracting whole numbers up to ten using manipulatives (M3.1.3)
K N-10. model addition and subtraction of whole numbers (M1.1.3)
K N-9. mathematical operations by recognizing (+), (-), and (=) signs (M1.1.3)

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