Standards for MS

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Alignment to Standards for MS

3 3)3.a. diverse life forms (including vertebrates and invertebrates) that live in different environments (e.g., deserts, tundras, forests, grasslands, taigas, wetlands) and the structures that serve different functions in their survival (e.g.
3 3)3.c. relationships between the basic needs of different organisms and discern how adaptations enable an organism to survive in a particular environment.
4 4)3.c. Compare characteristics of organisms, including growth and development, reproduction, acquisition and use of energy, and response to the environment.
4 4)3.c.2 Plant or animal structures that serve different functions in growth, adaptation, and survival
5 5)4.d. changes caused by humans on the environment, ways to conserve natural resources in the United States, including (but not limited to) Mississippi.

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