Standards for ND

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Alignment to Standards for ND

1 SS-1.1.1 Identify basic components of maps and globes (i.e., cardinal directions, map key, symbols)
2 SC-2.4.2. Identify various things that are found in different environments (e.g., cactus, lizard _ desert; shark, coral- ocean)
2 SS-2.1.2 Apply map skills (i.e., cardinal directions, map key, symbols) to read a simple map
3 SC-3.4.3. Identify the needs of living things (e.g., food, shelter, soil, space, water)
3 SS-3.1.1 Use labels, symbols, compass rose (i.e., intermediate directions), and legends to locate physical features on a map
4 SC-4.4.3. Identify behaviors of animals as instinctive or learned
K SS-K.1.1 Identify land and water on a map or globe

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