Standards for NJ

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Alignment to Standards for NJ

2 5.3.2.A.1 Group living and nonliving things according to the characteristics that they share.
2 5.3.2.B.2 Compare how different animals obtain food and water.
2 5.3.2.C.1 Describe the ways in which organisms interact with each other and their habitats in order to meet basic needs.
2 5.3.2.C.2 Identify the characteristics of a habitat that enable the habitat to support the growth of many different plants and animals.
2 5.3.2.E.1 Describe similarities and differences in observable traits between parents and offspring.
2 5.3.2.E.2 Describe how similar structures found in different organisms (e.g., eyes, ears, mouths) have similar functions and enable those organisms to survive in different environments.
2 5.4.2.G.3 Identify and categorize the basic needs of living organisms as they relate to the environment.
4 5.3.4.A.1 Develop and use evidence-based criteria to determine if an unfamiliar object is living or nonliving.
4 5.3.4.A.2 structures that have similar functions in various organisms, and explain how those functions may be carried out by structures that have different physical appearances.
4 5.3.4.C.1 Predict the biotic and abiotic characteristics of an unfamiliar organismês habitat.
P 5.3.P.A.1 compare the basic physical characteristics of plants, humans, and other animals.
P 5.3.P.A.2 Observe similarities and differences in the needs of various living things, and differences between living and nonliving things.
P 5.3.P.B.1 describe how plants and animals obtain food from their environment,
P 5.3.P.C.1 natural habitats provide for the basic needs of plants and animals with respect to shelter, food, water, air, and light (e.g., dig outside in the soil to investigate the kinds of animal life that live in and around the ground).

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