Standards for SD

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Alignment to Standards for SD

1 SC-1.L.3.1. Students are able to relate characteristics of plants and animals that allow them to live in specific habitats.
2 SC-2.L.1.1. classify plants according to similarities and differences. (seeds, color, size, shape, and structure.)
2 SC-2.L.3.1. Students are able to describe ways that plants and animals depend on each other. (seed dispersal, nest, plants in food webs)
3 SC-3.L.1.1/2.a Differentiate between plants and animals.
3 SC-3.L.1.2. identify characteristic features of animals and their related functions in relation to their environment: wings/ hollow bones, webbed feet, fins
3 SC-3.L.3.1. species depend on one another and on the environment for survival.
4 SC-4.L.1.2. differentiate between vertebrates and invertebrates, and classify the five groups of vertebrates (mammal, reptile, amphibian, bird, and fish) based on characteristics.
4 SC-4.L.2.1. behavioral and structural adaptations that allow a plant or animal to survive in a particular environment.

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