Alignment to Standards for WA
Grade | Number | Standard |
1 | SS-1.3.2 | Understands human interaction with the environment |
2 | SS- | Explains how people affect their environment by clearing land or developing farm land to meet their need for homes and businesses. |
2,3 | 2-3 LS3A | There are variations among the same kinds of plants and animals. |
2,3 | 2-3 LS3B | The offspring of a plant or animal closely resembles its parents, but close inspection reveals differences. |
4,5 | 4-5 APPH | People of all ages, interests, and abilities engage in a variety of scientific and technological work. |
K,1 | K-1 LS2C | Humans can change natural habitats in ways that can be helpful or harmful for the plants and animals that live there. |