Alignment to Standards for WA
Grade | Number | Standard |
2,3 | 2-3 PS2A | Objects have properties, including size, weight, hardness, color, shape, texture, and magnetism. Unknown substances can sometimes be identified (and sorted) by their properties. |
2,3 | 2-3 PS2B. | An object may be made from different materials. These materials give the object certain properties. |
K,1 | K-1 ES2A | Some objects occur in nature; others have been designed and processed by people. |
K,1 | K-1 LS3A | Some things are alive and others are not. |
K,1 | K-1 LS3A.a | Use logical rules to sort objects into two groups, those that are alive and those that are not. |
K,1 | K-1 SYSA | Living and nonliving things are made of parts. People give names to the parts that are different from the name of the whole object, plant, or animal. |