Alignment to Standards for WA
Grade | Number | Standard |
1 | 3.1.1 | Understands and uses maps and globes to identify major bodies of water and continental land masses. |
1 | SS- | Understands and uses maps and globes to identify major bodies of water and continental land masses. |
1 | SS- | Uses a map or globe to identify the location of the continents and major bodies of water. |
1 | SS- | Explains how maps and globes can be used to locate the continents where families live. |
2 | SS-2.3.1 | Understands the physical characteristics, cultural characteristics, and location of places, regions, and spatial patterns on the Earthês surface |
2 | SS- | basic mapping elements such as symbols, compass rose, labels, and a key to read and construct maps that display information about neighborhoods or local communities. |
3 | SS- | Understands and applies how maps and globes are used to display the regions of North America in the past and present. |