Alignment to Standards for WI
Grade | Number | Standard |
K-4 | EE-B.4.6 | Cite examples of how different organisms adapt to their habitat* |
K-4 | EE-C.4.1 | Identify environmental problems and issues (see SS Political Science and Citizenship: Power, Authority, Governance, and Responsibility) |
K-4 | SC-D.4.4 | changes in form, temperature, color, speed, and direction of objects and construct explanations for the changes |
K-4 | SC-F.4.1 | Discover how each organism meets its basic needs for water, nutrients, protection, and energy* in order to survive |
K-4 | SC-F.4.3 | Illustrate* the different ways that organisms grow through life stages and survive to produce new members of their type |
K-4 | SS-A.4.1 | Use reference points, latitude and longitude, direction, size, shape, and scale to locate positions on various representations of the earth's surface |
K-4 | SS-A.4.2 | Locate on a map or globe physical features such as continents, oceans, mountain ranges, and land forms, natural features such as resources, flora, and fauna; and human features such as cities, states, and national borders |