How to use fiction picture books to get children reading while also integrating
non-fiction Science, Math, Geography, and Language instruction (click here)
State Reading Lists
- Everglades Reading List: Where Should Turtle Be? by Susan Ring; Henry the Impatient Heron, by Donna Love; Turtle Summer: A Journal for My Daughter, by Mary Alice Monroe; Carolina's Story, by Donna Rathmell German; If a Dolphin Were a Fish, by Loran Wlodarski, and Turtles in my Sandbox, by Jennifer Keats Curtis
- Florida, 2009: Ocean Hide and Seek, by Jennifer Kramer; Sort It Out! by Barbara Mariconda; Henry the Impatient Heron, by Donna Love; Where Should Turtle Be? by Susan Ring; Little Skink's Tail, by Janet Halfmann; 'Twas the Day Before Zoo Day, by Catherine Ipcizade; River Beds: Sleeping in the World's Rivers, by Gail Langer Karwoski; Turtle Summer: A Journal for my Daughter, by Mary Alice Monroe
- Florida, 2008: Turtle Summer: A Journal for My Daughter, by Mary Alice Monroe; The Rainforest Grew All Around by Susan Mitchell; Ocean Seasons by Ron Hirschi; One Odd Day by Doris Fisher and Dani Sneed; The Giraffe Who Was Afraid of Heights by David Ufer
- Florida, 2010 Summer Recommended Reading: Count Down to Fall by Frank Hawk; Moose and Magpie by Bettina Restrepo, Henry the Impatient Heron by Donna Love, Little Skink's Tail by Janet Halfmann; Ocean Hide and Seek by Jennifer Evans Kramer; Twas the Day Before Zoo Day Catherine Ipcizade
- Green Reading List, National Environmental Education Foundation: Turtle Summer: A Journal for my Daughter, by Mary Alice Monroe; A Day in the Salt Marsh, by Kevin Kurtz; Whistling Wings, by Laura Goering; Where Should Turtle Be? by Susan Ring; Henry the Impatient Heron, by Donna Love; and One Wolf Howls, by Scotti Cohn.
- Kansas State Reading Circle, 2009: 'Twas the Day Before Zoo Day, by Catherine Ipcizade, Sort It Out! by Barbara Mariconda, Kersplatypus by Susan Mitchell
- South Dakota Prairie Bud Master List, 2010-2011: Whistling Wings, by Laura Goering
- Tennessee, 2009-2010: The Rainforest Grew All Around by Susan Mitchell. K-3 Volunteer State Book Award (Tennessee's Children's Choice) master reading list.
South Carolina Reads, Suggested Reading List 2009: Paws, Claws, Hands, and Feet, by Kimberly Hutmacher; Henry the Impatient Heron, by Donna Love; Sort It Out! by Barbara Mariconda; Turtle Summer: A Journal for my Daughter, by Mary Alice Monroe; Where Should Turtle Be? by Susan Ring