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Lexile Set: 500
Animal ears come in a wide variety 
of shapes, size, and uses—a perfect 
match for each animal’s needs. This 
is the latest in Holland’s Animal 
Anatomy and Adaptation series. Polly 'Possum is expecting babies, 
and she must find a home. While 
searching, she meets diurnal and 
nocturnal animals with hives, burrows, 
and dreys. Will she find her own 
special place in time? When Cole and Helena hike to 
find animals in the forest they 
don’t spot a single creature but 
they do find signs of life. Who 
had been there, who had 
done that? Tiger lives in the jungle but Tiggy 
lives on the porch. What are the 
differences between the largest 
wild cats and our small domestic 
companions? What are the 
similarities?  A fun-filled Southwestern spin 
on a famous fable flavored with 
repetition for preschoolers and 
puns for older children, this book 
is tasty reading for all! One day Ming smells delicious food 
coming from Fu Wang’s house. To his 
alarm, Fu Wang demands all the 
neighbors pay him for the pleasant 
smells. The neighbors refuse and the 
case goes to court. Gram and Kat put their hats 
on for the park cleanup day. 
Throughout the day the pair 
collects coins and Kat learns 
to add money, and soon there 
is enough for…ICE CREAM!
A young boy discovers his dog’s 
lump, which is then diagnosed 
with those dreaded words: It’s 
cancer. The boy becomes a 
loving caretaker to his dog, who 
undergoes the same types of 
treatments and many of the 
same reactions as a human 
under similar circumstances 
(transference). Catchy twists on traditional songs 
have children chiming in about 
cactuses, camels, and more as they 
learn about the world’s desert habitat, 
flora, and fauna. Eli and his father count animals 
in an unusual zoo. When a 
number pattern emerges, Eli 
predicts how many animals will 
be in the next exhibit. Will he 
be right? A curious child, a shiny quartz 
crystal, and clever wordplay 
introduce young readers to the 
fascinating world of minerals. This heart-warming story shares an 
Australian creature’s journey to find 
his place in the world and how he 
sometimes falls flat on the way there. Little Gray loved his lagoon and 
didn’t want to migrate north to a 
food-filled sea. What happens 
along the way and how does 
Little Gray save his mother’s life? When Little Skink loses her 
bright blue tail, she daydreams 
of other tails. Then she gets a 
big surprise. . .and her tail-
dreaming days are over!
With her magnets, Dena is a master 
magician. But when Enrique challenges 
her with a century-old treasure map, 
Dena’s magnetic compass leads her 
astray. What caused the shift and what 
does Dena learn from it? As the zoo closes for the night the 
dribbling begins and soon the 
basketball game is in full swing. 
Count along as the team builds 
from one to a full court of ten! Young Moose is lucky to find a friend 
and guide in the wisecracking Magpie. 
Laugh along with these two pals, and 
maybe—just maybe—Moose will make 
a joke of his own! From pirate bugs to Luna moths, 
children will love learning about 
the world’s insects. This rhythmic 
book teaches multiplication in a 
way that will make children bug
you for more. After chugging down his glass of 
milk that’s two-thirds gooey paste, 
a young boy and his friend are off 
to camp for a day of fraction fun 
and an out-of-this world soccer 
game. Uncover the surprising ways that 
all different animals in various 
habitats around the world take 
part in recycling and learn why it 
is important for our environment.
What child hasn’t wondered what 
it would be like to be an animal? 
After a trip to an aquarium, Oliver 
decides he wants to be a sea otter. 
But being an otter isn’t easy for a 
human. What’s an otter, we mean 
a boy to do?
In this humorous, rhythmic, 
read-aloud story, a young boy 
awakens to find that everything 
around him is odd…and learns 
some valuable math lessons 
along the way. After a devastating earthquake, 
mother and baby giant panda run 
from the wreckage of their reserve 
only to get lost. Will they ever find 
their way home again? Mom said, yes to pick out a pet! 
Invertebrates are out. Vertebrates 
are in, but reptiles, birds and fish 
are soon off the list. A tiger or 
elephant won't do; which mammal 
should the child choose? This touching story of a father and 
child’s nighttime excursion to watch 
a meteor shower is told through the 
eyes of a child in awe of the night 
world. Go on a geometry naming 
adventure as all the Shape 
family relatives weigh in on 
the new baby’s name. Who 
will have the right angle? Listen quietly as the animals 
of the African Savanna talk 
throughout the course of a day. Travel around the world to discover 
a wide variety of Earth’s geological 
features. Readers encounter plains, 
plateaus, and rolling hills and 
discover how streams make canyons 
or lava creates archipelagos.
Nani finds out what it means to be 
a true princess, when Princess 
Luka visits Hilo to save the town 
from the flowing lava of Mauna Loa. Tudley, a painted turtle, adopts 
other animals’ behaviors—simply 
because he doesn’t know he 
can’t! All the while, he uses his 
special behaviors to help other 
animals and learn a little about 
himself. Tuktuk found a furry kamik to line 
his winter burrow. When other, 
bigger animals see him and want 
his kamik, this little trickster has to 
convince them that no one needs 
one furry kamik – except a collard 
lemming. The legend of the hoodoos is far 
from Vivian’s mind as she and 
Grandma pick pine nuts. But when 
Vivian disrespects the trees, 
Grandma reminds her of the 
legend and their history. Weather changes daily. 
By asking simple questions, 
children become engaged 
and can start to observe and 
make correlations about the 
weather around them. Author Suzanne Slade takes 
readers along on a wild ride 
as she introduces mother, 
father, and baby zoo creatures 
while practicing math along the 
way! How can King Lion judge 
the fastest animal? The 
fastest sprinter on land 
may not out run a long-
distance runner. What 
about swimmers or flyers?
Marcel, a young tundra swan, is tired 
from the first half of a winter migration, 
so he decides to stay up north. He 
soon realizes he’s not cut out for life on 
ice. What will he do? Spring is here, and Yodel and his siblings 
are ready to play, learn, and grow. Nature 
photographer Mary Holland captures 
precious moments in the life of this black 
bear family.
37?? Paperbacks9781607184942392.15
37eBooks - Personal eLibrary97816071820231-Yr:85.30Life:226.40
37eBooks - Site License97816071820231-Yr:552.00Life:2481.00

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